Monday, May 23, 2011


Hello All,

I mentioned that one of my goals in my quest is the "perfect body." To me, the perfect body means toned (visible abs), strength (would like to be able to do chin ups with ease),  good cardio (I would love to run in a 5 km race - eventually a marathon aka approximately 42 km), and I would like to feel comfortable and confident in a bathing suit.

I was anorexic. It started in about grade 6 (the year my family moved and I had to change schools). All of the kids at the school had been together for the past 6 years or so and I went without knowing anyone. At the time, there was a lot of yelling and arguing in my home and since I moved out of my old neighbourhood and away from my friends, I felt that I had no where to turn. The only thing I could control was my eating, or lack thereof. My mom was obviously very concerned, but I always denied it. I actually was not able to admit I was anorexic until a couple years ago. I think I just grew out of it. I became more confident. Once in a while, when I am stressed or emotional or having a bad day, I sometimes think about those days and is desperate for that same kind of control.

SIDE NOTE:  Anorexia, Bulimia, and other eating disorders are very serious issues. If you know anyone who is going through it, or if you are going through it yourself, please know that it is serious and you should seek help, even if the person denies it.
I have a similar picture set as my
background on my computer.
To me, this is inspiration. (This is not a picture of
me, it is taken from the internet.)

I think I am in a good starting place - being 5'5" and 121 lbs. My goal weight is a healthy 115 lbs.

For the past 6 weeks or so I have been on a running schedule (I found an awesome 10 km running schedule on the internet - I will post a link at the end of this post). However I went on a road trip to the States last week and don't really have the motivation to start running again. ~ I hereby promise myself I will go for a run tomorrow.

During the second week of running I decided I wanted to keep track of the distance and time that I was running. I created a document in Word and have called it my "Running Log." Please feel free to post if you would like a blank copy of the Running Log - I will provide it to you for free and I promise there are no viruses.

This is the icon for the Nike
Training Club app.
To me cross-training is equally as important as the actual running. I don't like going to a gym. I feel intimidated and inadequate. I had a gym membership earlier this year, but I could not get motivated to go. I found this awesome (again, free) app for my ipod that gives you clear and easy workouts and instructions. It is wonderfully made and I give it two big thumbs up. It is called "Nike Training." I would recommend it for everyone.

Before I went on my road trip, I actually got into a routine. I was running every other day (3 - 4 times a week) following the 10km running schedule. And then using Nike Training Club every other day for a bit of cross-training. Let me know if you want to know what specific Nike Training Club workouts I was using, I would love to tell you what works for me.

It would be great if we could get a group together that will encourage each other to be healthy, eat healthy, and exercise. That way you become accountable and are motivated to go for that run a couple of times a week.

What is your workout routine? What works for you?


TTFN, AverageGirl

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